This addon is a chat blocker and notifier. It hides and/or highlights chat messages with specific keywords. Type /sc
or /shaguchat
for usage info. Highlighted messages will be colored and also printed to the default Error Frame in the center of the screen

Installation (Vanilla, 1.12)
- Download Latest Version
- Unpack the Zip file
- Rename the folder “ShaguChat-master” to “ShaguChat”
- Copy “ShaguChat” into Wow-Directory\Interface\AddOns
- Restart Wow
Installation (The Burning Crusade, 2.4.3)
- Download Latest Version
- Unpack the Zip file
- Rename the folder “ShaguChat-master” to “ShaguChat-tbc”
- Copy “ShaguChat-tbc” into Wow-Directory\Interface\AddOns
- Restart Wow