A Vanilla Addon/Library to show achievement alike notifications for several events. The achievement textures where backported from later clients. As there isn’t any animation API inside classic, it can’t look 100% accurate, however, i did my best.
- Quest Completion: A notification is shown for each completed quest
- Level Up: Triggers each Levelup. Every 10th level is shown as special notification
- Combat Survive: Survive having less than 3% Health during a fight
- Exploration: Triggers whenever a new area is discovered

Installation (Vanilla, 1.12)
- Download Latest Version
- Unpack the Zip file
- Rename the folder “ShaguNotify-master” to “ShaguNotify”
- Copy “ShaguNotify” into Wow-Directory\Interface\AddOns
- Restart Wow
Installation (The Burning Crusade, 2.4.3)
- Download Latest Version
- Unpack the Zip file
- Rename the folder “ShaguNotify-master” to “ShaguNotify-tbc”
- Copy “ShaguNotify-tbc” into Wow-Directory\Interface\AddOns
- Restart Wow