
This addon, formerly known as “” has been renamed to “ShaguPremium” in order to avoid any conflicts with the project for which it was made for. The project “” is a small CMaNGOS based but closed source, german PvE server with lots of custom features, that calls itself blizzlike.

However, most of these features can only be used while having an active premium account (~5$/Month). As I had the impression that most of the players there have such a premium membership, I decided to write an addon for them to make it easier to switch experience rates and such. Also because I got a free premium membership for providing this addon. :P


  1. Download Latest Version
  2. Unpack the Zip file
  3. Rename the folder “ShaguPremium-master” to “ShaguPremium”
  4. Copy “ShaguPremium” into Wow-Directory\Interface\AddOns
  5. Restart Wow


The custom features that can be changed with this addon are the following:


